Daflorn's products give the customers Health and Happiness!
Daflorn’s policy is to offer to the clients all natural probiotic products of high quality, improving human health, as it combines scientific experience and advanced biotechnology. The main purpose of the company is to create new probiotic products with all natural wild strains of Lactobacillus Bulgaricus and other lactic acid microorganisms, isolated from Bulgarian nature and water by introducing innovations. Our purpose is to form a permanent group of satisfied customers who by taking these products improve their life quality and stay healthy and happy. The core principle of Daflorn Ltd. is to create and produce all natural probiotic products that do not contain preservatives, coloring agents, genetically manipulated microorganisms and substances harmful to people.
Laktera Omega+
Laktera Omega+ decreases the bad cholesterol and supports the functions of the cardiovascular system
Laktera Motion+
Laktera Motion+ supports the normal functions of bones, joints, connective tissue and facilitates their free movement
Laktera Colon Zn
Supports the normal functions of gastrointestinal tract and immune system. The product has 19 approved health claims in EU according to Regulation (EU) 432/2012:
- Live Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus improve lactose digestion in individuals who have difficulty digesting lactose.
Zinc contributes to:
- the normal function of the immune system;
- the maintenance of normal vision, bones, hair, nails and skin;
- normal cognitive function;
- normal fertility and reproduction;
- normal DNA and protein synthesis;
- normal acid-base metabolism; normal metabolism of macronutrients, fatty acids, vitamin A and carbohydrates;
- the protection of cells from oxidative stress;
- it has a role in the process of cell division.
Laktera Colon
Nutritional support for normal intestinal microbial flora and gastrointestinal comfort.
Laktera Nature
Medium fat low-lactose probiotic food without gluten and cholesterol
Laktera Aloe
Maintains the normal functions of the endocrine and reproductive system, hair, skin and blood vessels.
Laktera Vision+
Laktera Vision+ is maximal nutritional support from nature for eye comfort of active people and people, working on a computer
The production base of “Daflorn” LTD
The production base of “Daflorn” LTD is located in the European Union, Bulgaria, in the vicinity of Sofia. The production of all natural probiotic products is through fermentation and freeze-drying sublimation (lyophilization) which are modern trends in biotechnology.
Capture and isolation of new wild all natural strains of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and other lactic acid microorganisms from the unique Bulgarian nature helped Daflorn LTD to approach modern biotechnology and science as close to nature and to create unique probiotic products that are beneficial to the human health.
The production base consists of:
- Production of the main probiotic substance (raw material)
- Production and package of end products
- Scientific developments, innovative technologies
- Expansion of the market.
The biotechnological production process is automatic, therefore the company has a highly qualified personnel – 13.3 % of the employed are with scientific degrees, 73.3 % are university graduates with master’s degree.
Daflorn LTD performs the whole cycle of production to the end products. Daflorn produces over 40 all natural probiotic products – dietary supplements in poweder form and in capsules and face masks also in powder form.
Daflorn LTD is also a proud member of the International Probiotic Assosiation (IPA).
Food control and food safety system

The company has introduced a system of quality and food safety control FSSC 22000 version 5.1, certified by NQA, certificate No. 172670. Daflorn’s probiotic products have proven health claims and are registered as food with special purposes in Bulgarian Food Safety Agency, reg. No 116/29.08.2011 and European reg. No 230800014.
Individually or jointly with other research institutes Daflorn LTD develops, tests experimentally and clinically the products and introduces new products and technologies. The products of Daflorn LTD are of genuine Bulgarian origin and are protected by 15 patents and 7 trademarks. Patent, regarding probiotic product, containing unique strains of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and other lactic acid microorganisms, isolated from spring water in Bulgaria, is issued by the Patent office in USA with No. US 9,131,708 B2.
The European Patent office issued an official certificate to Daflorn Ltd for European Patent. The European Patent is regarding to Daflorn`s probiotics, produced on goat`s milk with original strains of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. These strains are also property of Daflorn and have passports in the Czech Bank of microorganisms. The Patent also registers the new technological method for production of these probiotics, during which the probiotic microorganisms preserve their viability and healthy effects for years in the products.
According to European Patent № 3172973, property of Daflorn Ltd, the probiotic products Laktera Allergy Free, Laktera Allergy Free+ and Laktera Allergy Free Rose+ are fermented on goat`s milk. The goat`s milk is closest by composition to human breast milk and these probiotics are very suitable for children, pregnant women and elderly people. The European Patent Office also registers the health effects of these probiotics. They are suitable nutritional therapy for liver function restoration and during allergic manifestations.
The products of Daflorn LTD are produced in compliance with the principles of good manufacturing practices and the hygiene requirements of food control. The production meets the international standards for safety of raw materials and technological process. Daflorn LTD produces all natural probiotic products of high quality which are in conformity with the international requirements for food safety. Daflorn’s products are completely natural, they do not contain genetically manipulated microorganisms, preservatives, colouring agents and ingredients harmful for human health.
With the probiotic products of Daflorn LTD were carried out over 10 experimental tests and over 30 clinical studies on over 6000 persons in leading medical institutions in Bulgaria and abroad – Military Medical Academy in Sofia, Medical Universities in Varna, Sofia and Pleven, National Institute for Emergency Medicine “N. Pirogov”, Bulgarian Academy of sciences, Military Medical Academy in the Czech Republic and Poland, Medical University of Würzburg – Germany and the German Sports University in Cologne.
Studies of the influence of the genome and proteome of Lactobacillus bulgaricus, isolated from spring water, on the health effects of the strain are ongoing in collaboration with prof. Palok Aich from NISER, India and Medical University Varna. Bulgarian dry probiotic products and strains of Lactobacillus bulgaricus used as a model for the project studies are produced and supplied without any compensation by Daflorn Ltd.